Simulator practice 31 July 2019

This evening we did a short session using Abel with Graham, Keith and Stephanie.

We started practicing plain hunting with Stephanie hunting on 7 and Keith on 5.

Then Graham rang a touch of Kent Treble Bob Major practicing treble bob hunting.

Stephanie and Keith then did some more practice plain hunting.

Practice Session July 29th 2019

We started the evening a little light with only 4 of us (Graham, Wendy, Stephanie and Keith) as others were running late, so we began by attempting to ring up the front 4 bells in peal, followed by practising plain hunt on 4.

When Duncan and Vinni arrived, we rang up the 5th and 6th and did some kaleidoscope ringing include Mexican Wave in places and “Dodgy” Mexican Wave.

Finally we took turns with a practice method called “Whitefield” where the treble hunts, the 3 makes 3rd and 4th places, and the 5 and 6 cover.

“Whitefield” method

At the end of the session we rang the 6 bells down in peal and moved to The Castle for a debrief.

Practice session July 24th 2019

Most of the band were unavailable this week, so a few of us met up for some practice on the simulator.

We started of with Keith and Stephanie practicing their leading on 6. We’ve previously done a fair bit of practice covering both with the simulator and with real ringers, so leading practice was a useful exercise.

Graham then rang a touch (3 leads) of Bristol Surprise Maximus.

The Keith and Stephanie had a few attempts at leading to Plain Bob Minor, to improve their hunting and listening skills.

We then tried ringing the 3 muffled bells (2,3 and 4) in rounds on 6 with Abel ringing the other 3 bells. This worked quite well, so we attempted to get Abel conducting some call changes. This didn’t work very well, primarily because we couldn’t hear the change announcements properly over the bells on the laptop speakers. We agreed we probably need to put some better speakers for this.

Then Graham had another attempt at Bristol Surprise Maximus followed by Keith and Stephanie trying out covering on 10 bells.

Graham ringing Bristol Surprise Maximus with the simulator

It was an interesting and useful practice session which ended, as usual, with a debrief at The Castle Inn across the road.