Productive practice this evening. Early session for new learner, Peter with the 4th tied.
After removing the muffles from the remaining bells, and raising the front 6, we spent some useful refresh time in call changes going through the way in which calls are made and how bells slow or speed up according to the change in position.
Very successful long-place Mexican wave followed by a new exercise ringing Twinkle, twinkle little star which is a great way of honing bell control with a purpose.
The Castle provided the usual warm welcome for a post-practice debriefing.
Ringing Practice 30th September 2019
We had a few of the regular band missing this evening due to illness. Graham, Duncan, Keith and Jeremy attended with Vinni and Simon joining us to help.
We started with practicing ring up in peal, followed by a brief attempt to do plain hunt on 3 bells before Vinni and Simon joined us. We then rang rounds and call changes and some Mexican Wave.
To give Jeremy and Duncan some practice moving around in a more complex method, we then practised Whitefield. In this training method, Simon and Vinni (on the 1 and 4 bells) plain hunted whilst Duncan (on the 2 bell) made places to firsts position and back, and Jeremy (on the 3 bell) made places to fourths position and back. Keith covered on the 5 bell to give Duncan a common reference when he was leading.

Keith then did some hunting from the treble to a more complex method.
We then finished by attempting “Dodgy places Mexican Wave”. This is a variation on Mexican Wave where each pair of bells dodges before and after making places. As this was a complex and unfamiliar exercise Graham, wisely, decided to do the exercise on each pair of bells individually, allowing the band to settle back into rounds before calling the next pair of bells.

We then rang the bells down in peal and went to The Castle for a well-earned drink.
Practice 23rd September 2019
We started the session by practicing ringing up in peal. We then rang rounds and call changes on the front 6.
We followed that with Plain Hunt practice and more call changes.
We then did Mexican wave (places).
Then the more experienced ringers rang Plain Bob Minor on the inside bells with Keith hunting on the treble.
Jeremy needed more practice on the place making, whilst rest preferred to practice dodging, so we “spliced” Mexican Wave with double dodging Mexican wave, which worked surprisingly well.
Then we rang down and went to the pub.
Simulator training 19th Sept 2019
This evening Graham led Keith and Louise in some simulator training.
The 3 bell was muffled and the 4 tied. Louise rang up the 3 under instruction from Graham, and Keith rang up the 4. Louise and Keith then both practiced ringing in rounds to improve striking and bell handling. Louise significantly improved her scores from previous sessions.
Keith then practiced Plain Hunting on 5 bells from both the treble and from the 5 bell, whilst Louise continued to practice rounds and work on her technique.
We also had the opportunity to review the bell recordings which Keith previous made, loaded into Abel. It was agreed that they probably sounded a bit shrill.
Ringing Practice 16th Sept 2019
We started the evening with Graham, Sue, Stephanie, Keith and Jeremy ringing up 5 bells in peal, which was moderately successful, especially considering this was Jeremy’s first attempt.
Keith rang up the 6th and then we did some rounds and simple call changes with Louise to introduce her to call changes, and to give the rest of the band some practice on call changes.
Keith and Stephanie then attempted some treble dodging on 4 bells, with Sue and Vinni on the other two and Graham giving guidance.
We then did some more rounds and call changes followed by Graham, Sue, Vinnie, Jeremy, Stephanie and Keith practicing Mexican Wave on 6 bells, which went very well.
Before we finished we tried the treble dodging again, before practicing ringing down in peal and heading off to The Castle with everyone looking forward to a well-earned drink.
Ringing Practice – 9th Sept 2019
This evening’s practice was a fun and productive session. Graham, Sue, Keith, Stephanie, Wendy, and Louse were the early attendees and we started with practicing raising and lowering the bells in peal. This was partly to help with general raising and lowering technique and bell control.
Soon after this we were joined by Jeremy, Vinni, and Rachel. We rang some rounds, mainly for the benefit of Louise, our relative beginner, but also to develop listening and improve striking amongst the rest of the band. Louise is improving rapidly and is close to the point where she can take part in call changes, which she is looking forward to.
We also practiced some call changes as the band felt we hadn’t done that for a while and were a bit rusty, particularly Jeremy who had missed a lot of the practice sessions due to other commitments.
We then rang some Plain Bob Major, with Graham, Vinni, Sue and Rachel on the inside bells with Keith covering and Stephanie on the treble. This was a great exercise as Rachel was keen to practice Plain Bob Doubles, and it gave Stephanie a chance to exercise her hunting skills on a more complex method.
We rang more rounds and call changes later in the evening, and another attempt at Plain Bob Doubles. Then Keith practiced Plain Hunt on 5, although Graham and Vinni cheekily started to mix up the 4 and 5 bells.
Then we rang down and headed to The Castle.
We also had the opportunity to review the CCTV camera as some of the band, particularly Graham the Tower Captain, hadn’t seen it working. This is still in the temporary position, although it does give a fairly good view of the 3 and 4 bells.
Ringing Practice – 2nd Sept 2019
A few people were away this week including Graham, the Tower Captain. Simon and Vinni were there looking after Stephanie, Keith, Wendy and Louise.
We got a chance to check out whether the CCTV camera position was suitable and how well the night vision worked. It all seemed very satisfactory, so now we need to experiment with mounting positions and to make the installation more permanent.

We attempted to ring up in peal followed by rounds practice, primarily for Louise (although it’s good practice for all of us). We then made a few attempts at plain hunting, which didn’t go that well with two learners trying to hunt at the same time. We then did some more rounds and decided to cut the practice a bit short as everyone was feeling tired, so we finished by an attempt to ring down the bells in peal which wasn’t perfect, but is improving.
Simulator practice 23 Aug 2019
Tonight we did some practice in the simulator whilst Graham worked with Louise on rope handling. Stephanie and Keith both practiced plain hunt on 5.
Afterwards Louise practiced rounds on the simulator, and Graham had a go at a 12 bell method.
It was a useful session and we ended with a debrief at The Castle.
Ringing Practice 19 Aug 2019
We started the evening ringing up and then ringing rounds and call changes. We rang the second half of 60 on thirds.
During the evening we rang Whitfield, Cloister, and another training method invented by Graham which was named “Again” as in “Go again!”.

We then rang the back six down in peal.
Attending were Graham, Sue, Duncan, Louise, Stephanie, Jeremy, Keith and Simon.
Monday Practice, 12th Aug 2019
We had a busy evening starting with attempting to ring up in peal on 6 bells (as Rachel was available to ring up). We then practised call changes on 6, with some of “60 on 3rds”. We then did some plain rounds to give Louise some practice. After we attempted Cloister a few times interspersed with more rounds. We rang Whitefield and more rounds and then attempted to ring down in peal. Attending this evening were Graham, Vinni, Stephanie, Louise, Rachel, Duncan and Keith.